a warning to Sal santorre


Jun 4, 2018
& others who mock & deny jesus & his gospel before men , heed this warning from jesus himself ( the son of god ) LUKE 9:26 NKJV bible

Jun 4, 2018
Matthew 10:32-33 NKJV bible , " therefore whoever confesses me before men , him I will also confess before my father who is in heaven . But whoever denies me before men , him I will also deny before my father who is in heaven "

Sep 21, 2004
Join me rw...


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Nov 6, 2015
& others who mock & deny jesus & his gospel before men , heed this warning from jesus himself ( the son of god ) LUKE 9:26 NKJV bible

Lmao this is great. A retard who believes is adult fairy tales is giving warnings based on them. Bet your dumb ass wants to pillage little red Riding Hood too:nohead:

Sep 20, 2017
Ever watch fire ants rip through a forest and rip apart any insect in its path?
4 lions jump on a big ass hippo and barely bring it down only to rip open its belly slowly with their teeth and nails as it still suffers while being eaten?
That is what god intentionally created if you believe he/she/it is real
Watching those insect/animal videos is fucking nuts. These are not evil animals doing bad things. These are creatures acting the way they were intended to ....just to survive and procreate
Not sure why you would even care if there is a 'god' If there is.....'god' ins't worried about you or much of anything

Jun 4, 2018
Ever watch fire ants rip through a forest and rip apart any insect in its path?
4 lions jump on a big ass hippo and barely bring it down only to rip open its belly slowly with their teeth and nails as it still suffers while being eaten?
That is what god intentionally created if you believe he/she/it is real
Watching those insect/animal videos is fucking nuts. These are not evil animals doing bad things. These are creatures acting the way they were intended to ....just to survive and procreate
Not sure why you would even care if there is a 'god' If there is.....'god' ins't worried about you or much of anything
Maybe u should put yourself in the oncoming path of a horde of fire ants ?
Nov 17, 2007
The all-compassionate, merciful and loving God who will love you unconditionally* except of course if you don’t love him back then he will torture you in the most excruciating manner possible, forever. You see the difference between God and I is that I would never torture my own children.

*thats not unconditionally

Jan 23, 2012
Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Aug 17, 2019
I seriously feel sorry for rwjr. His level of ignorance shows in every post and his judgement of anyone who threatens his beliefs and/or opinions. He doesn't even understand the one simple fact... God is all love and does not judge anyone or anything. Anyone who thinks they will be judged by God is actually being misled by a demi-god, or Satan himself... this is fact!
Aug 17, 2019
I seriously feel sorry for rwjr. His level of ignorance shows in every post and his judgement of anyone who threatens his beliefs and/or opinions. He doesn't even understand the one simple fact... God is all love and does not judge anyone or anything. Anyone who thinks they will be judged by God is actually being misled by a demi-god, or Satan himself... this is fact!

He also mocks Muslims and refers top them as extremists and yet can't even see through to his own behavior, understanding it's as extreme as the most extreme Muslim he mocks, or any extreme religious follower for that matter. What makes rwjr any better or different than the extremists he mocks?

Sep 6, 2014
Animals cannot even come close to a human being.Gorillas dont ponder the Universe and they know very little.We as humans can understand the universe around us.it appears that the Universe was for US to come.THere are so many things that must be possible for any Human to even exist. the Parameters are so small that if gravity was off by an extremely small amount we would not exist.The universe is so fine tuned for life that we are here by no accident or chance.Light the fastest moving substance and the cosmic speed limit travels 186,000 miles per sec.so in a blink of an eye light would go around the earth 7 times!! Our Galaxy is 100,000 light years long so it would take you 100,000 years going the SOL to travel from one side to the other. WE have over 500 million galaxies in our area lol and the nearest one Our Sister G Andromeda is 2 1/2 million miles away! Light that you see on a clear night left that galaxy 2 1/2 million years ago!! SO condsider aliens that might have visited us say 3/4 of the way in our Galaxy,it would still take them traveling the speed of light 4-6000 years.And they would not even be able to go back and tell thier people! so its doubful that they even exist unless they can go faster than light which is impossible because the faster you go in any movement ,walking,running,car jet ,rocket you GAIN weight or mass.Going light speed is 99% of mass , so you get so heavy you cannot exceed light speed!!one last thing.the faster you go Time slows down for you.So if you go 3/4 the speed of light years go by and your only gone minutes,its no trick but fact.So even if you could go fast as light,again you could not go back to tell anyone,in minutes for you, many years go bye where you left!!
Nov 17, 2007
For fuck sake Xeno use the god damned return key. I’m interested in reading your POV but I can’t.

Jun 4, 2018
He also mocks Muslims and refers top them as extremists and yet can't even see through to his own behavior, understanding it's as extreme as the most extreme Muslim he mocks, or any extreme religious follower for that matter. What makes rwjr any better or different than the extremists he mocks?
The difference between me & muslims is that I'm not chopping people's heads off or running them down in my car or threatening to kill someone if they don't believe or forcing my religious faith down someone's throat by sharia law . I don't want or need your pity sportsbookdata , your a seriously misguided individual who is blinded by the truth . Your walking straight into hell & you just don't see it coming because your warped " new age " bullshit has got you wrapped around its finger . Personally I think your a moron & I hope you'll see the light someday & come too the truth

Jun 4, 2018
The difference between me & muslims is that I'm not chopping people's heads off or running them down in my car or threatening to kill someone if they don't believe or forcing my religious faith down someone's throat by sharia law . I don't want or need your pity sportsbookdata , your a seriously misguided individual who is blinded by the truth . Your walking straight into hell & you just don't see it coming because your warped " new age " bullshit has got you wrapped around its finger . Personally I think your a moron & I hope you'll see the light someday & come too the truth
Sportsbookdata is suddenly not talkative :):)cause he knows Deep down I'M RIGHT
Aug 17, 2019
The difference between me & muslims is that I'm not chopping people's heads off or running them down in my car or threatening to kill someone if they don't believe or forcing my religious faith down someone's throat by sharia law . I don't want or need your pity sportsbookdata , your a seriously misguided individual who is blinded by the truth . Your walking straight into hell & you just don't see it coming because your warped " new age " bullshit has got you wrapped around its finger . Personally I think your a moron & I hope you'll see the light someday & come too the truth

Your behavior here is pretty extreme, you judge others who threaten your beliefs and you are pretty much forcing your religious faith down people's throats... perhaps the only difference between you and the Muslims you speak of is you're not chopping off heads but other than that I see more similarities than differences.

Perhaps you need to read about my NDE again. I have seen the light... I have experienced God... this is the major difference between you and me.
Aug 17, 2019
Your behavior here is pretty extreme, you judge others who threaten your beliefs and you are pretty much forcing your religious faith down people's throats... perhaps the only difference between you and the Muslims you speak of is you're not chopping off heads but other than that I see more similarities than differences.

Perhaps you need to read about my NDE again. I have seen the light... I have experienced God... this is the major difference between you and me.

And don't forget how threatened you were by my personal NDE... so threatened you tried to discredit my experience because it challenged or went against what you believed.

Jun 4, 2018
And don't forget how threatened you were by my personal NDE... so threatened you tried to discredit my experience because it challenged or went against what you believed.
Your NDE ..... I don't know what u experienced but it wasn't what u think it was . The things u have said go AGAINST what the son of God ( NOT sun ) has said in the bible .

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